Xncph\´]pcw: tem sS³j³ (FÂSn), ssl sS³j³ (F¨vSn), FIvkv{Sm sslsS³j³ (CF¨vSn) sshZypXn D]t`màm¡fpsS aq¶p hÀj¯n\p ap¼pÅ IpSninI XoÀ¸m¡p¶Xn\p amÀ¨v 31 hsc \oWvSp \n¡p¶ Hcp {]tXyI ]²Xn¡p kwØm\ sshZypXn t_mÀUv cq]w \ÂIn. ]eni IqSmsX IpSninI XpI apgph\pw Hä¯hWbmbn HSp¡p¶ D]t`màm¡Ä¡mbncn¡pw ]²XnbpsS {]tbmP\w e`n¡pI. ]Ww ASbv¡p¶ km[mcW D]t`màm¡Ä¡p ]ng¸enibn A©p iXam\hpw kÀ¡mÀ hIp¸pIÄ, ]qÀWambpw ]q«nt]mbtXm {]hÀ¯\w ]p\cmcw`n¡p¶tXm Bb hyhkmb kwcw`§Ä F¶nhbv¡v aq¶p iXam\hpw Cfhv e`n¡pw. tem sS³j³ D]t`màm¡fpsS IpSninI XoÀ¸m¡p¶Xn\v CeIv{Sn¡Â kÀ¡nfpIfnse U]yq«n No^v F³Pn\nbÀamscbmWv NpaXes¸Sp¯nbn«pÅXv. CXn\pÅ At]£IÄ XpItbmSpIqSn _Ôs¸« CeIv{Sn¡Â skIvj\n \ÂIWw.CF¨vSn, F¨vSn hn`mKw D]t`màm¡Ä Xncph\´]pc¯v sshZypXn t_mÀUv BØm\¯pÅ kvs]j Hm^okÀ dh\yphn\mWv At]£ \ÂtIWvSXv.
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The World We Live - Notes
Does the earth we live on have boundaries? Is the shape of the earth round
or is it flat? Materials needed :-A large plastic ball,Marker pen,Cutting
blade ...
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